Monday, November 11, 2013


I'm doing a study for the next couple of weeks.  It's on being thankful.  Sometimes I forget.  Sometimes the day to day and the not quite yets overtake me and what He has given.  The verse in Chronicles gives us a directive.  Give thanks, call on His name and make known what He has done.  For me, that's with my writing.  It's funny He gave me that word this year and I didn't realize it for quite a while.  It's been a year of twists and turns and ups and downs and honestly a lot of pain.  But from all of those things has come a deep sense of trust and peace and change.  In all these things I see His hand.  They may not have been things I would have chosen, yet they are the very things He has given to bring me closer to Him and closer to what He has in mind for me on this journey.  He has rescued me, He has sheltered me, He has favored me, He has directed me and most of all He has loved me, His girl, the one that spent a whole lot of years running from Him and when I allowed, He has led me right back to Him.  Thankful.

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