Friday, July 4, 2014


It's Friday and I'm breathing.  Two very good things.  The adjustment of all the new is settling in and the pressing of sore sport is ever present.  I have been uncomfortable as of late.  This stretching has left me feeling less that myself at times.  Thankfully so.  It took me a really long time to see that not everything that is hard or that comes my way is the enemy trying to trip me up.  Not that I think for a minute that there isn't a battle always waging.  Most times I realize his subtle was of whispering what I want to hear, what would make me feel better.  But I think more often these days the pressing comes from the One Who desires to show me the weak spots.  He reveals the things that are sore and tender and still need much healing.  The two things are very different.  There is the one who covers...and then there is the One Who reveals so it can be uncovered and healed.  This pressing reminds me of all the old that has been my fall back, my default. And those things just won't do anymore.  Like a sore muscle, a knot, the pressing releases what is bound. The pressing, even through some immediate pain and discomfort, gives way to relief and freedom and healing.

It's been an interesting week.  Yet another day of memories that has proven itself difficult.  But the pressing is slowly giving way to the release of what binds.  It's uncomfortable.  It has not been without tears.  As I sat outside last night, letting the exhaustion of my week go, my girl asked me....are you alright?  Yes, I answered her. I am somehow quite alright.  And the words pass between us easily.  The strength of the ties that bind are always evident.  How He has changed us all so very much.  How this stretching, like all of it, is just a preparation.  Thankful.

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