In the beginning of the worst thing I had ever faced, the weeks had then turned into months, it was the song that got me up off my knees. It came on the heels of yet another hard day and I was overtaken by the stress and grief that continued to barrel over me. And I sank to the floor. And I cried. And when that song played it made me stop cold. Dare you to move....dare you to lift yourself up off the floor.....dare you to move like today never happened before. Is it possible, to love like today is a new day? Like the sins and the hurts and the cares are cast off each morning and things are made new? It's how He is teaching me to live this life. Shake it off, get back up and just don't stop. Love like you want to be loved. There is strength in that. A love dare, if you will. He dares me to do it everyday. Thankful.
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