Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Desires of Our Hearts..

The answer to a prayer came at the midnight hour....literally.  And it was the smallest of prayers, but one that had been on my mind and one I had felt God saying just wait....just settle down....and so I did.  It took me a little while to decide to change it.  Then I did.  Then it sat because I knew what I wanted, but I didn't have anything and what I had already would not fit!  Settle down.  Be still.  So I said ok.  And I just said a prayer and left it.

And at midnight, tired and dragging with every ounce of me just wanting to crawl into bed...I saw it.  And it was the most beautiful thing I had seen in so long!  And it is what I wanted! And it was PERFECT.  It was what I asked for but I had no idea!!  It was better than what I had dreamed or imagined......and I had no idea it had ever even happened......it was created without my ever knowing and brought to me at just the right time.  An answer to prayer, made months in advance, delivered at just the right time.  Not late, not early.  When I was completely ready and I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was God alone who heard the tiniest of concerns and was concerned to meet my every need.  In HIS timing and that is what makes it the most beautiful.  And it is what reminds me today that He hears and His answers are perfect and beautiful and worth the wait.

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