Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dear Weary Mom....

I'm joining Terry Lynne Underwood at her site today for Dear Weary Mom,.....

Dear Wear Mom,

I know you.  Seems like the older our little ones get the more people think our lives somehow become easier, a little less complicated....but you and I, we know better.  Sleepless nights aren't ever really gone.  It seems that their tears in the night time are replaced with our own.  That them coming into our rooms for comfort are replaced with us standing in the doorway of theirs, watching, praying...please Lord, just tell me we can get through this.  Tears over pig tails or pony tails are replaced by why am I not pretty enough, thin enough.....prayers that he will see the strength that is in him and will be encouraged. 

Sending them off to high school rivals the fear of standing with them that first day of preschool.  The tears aren't any fact, I believe they have been more.  But the one things I have seen and know to be true is that God loves them even more than you and I do.  Every prayer, every seed sown into their beautiful young lives, watered with our tears, He sees.  And watching them grow under the weight of that is amazing.  And He gives us strength too.  Especially on the hard days, when their mistakes are ones they can't take back and they too, learn a little bit about growing up, a little wiser from what not to do....each time we walk through these things with them hand and hand, we have the chance to help them grow closer to Him...and then we do the same. 

Keep going sweet friend.  We know the days of diapers, cheerios and naps vanish all too quickly.  They are replaced with phone calls and driving and first loves.....and there is beauty in all of it.  And I was reminded yet again of this scripture today, so I'll share it with you too..

Isaiah 40:29-31
29 God strengthens the weary
and gives vitality to those worn down by age and care.
30 Young people will get tired;
strapping young men will stumble and fall.
31 But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength.
They will soar on wings as eagles.
They will run—never winded, never weary.
They will walk—never tired, never faint.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Thank you for joining us for the Dear Weary Mom linkup. It doesn't get easier, does it? The stakes continue to get higher ... but the love continues to grow deeper and I'm finding my faith continues to get stronger with each day that passes. We'll hang on to the Truth in His Word. We'll turn to the sisterhood of those who have gone ahead and share wisdom and to those who walk beside us and share companionship. And we'll turn back to those who are just behind and offer them the hope and truth that day by day, leaning on Him, we'll make it!!

    Teri Lynne
