Monday, March 23, 2015

Life Unstuck - A Book Review

I wasn't exactly sure how to approach this book at first.  Because I'm exhausted with one more person telling one more way to "get it right".  And this wasn't that.  One chapter at a time, the links between what we think and what we say and how we are created all fell into place.  And it wasn't necessarily brand new information.  It was just information put together in a way that clicked for me.  And the more I read, the more God really opened my heart.  Some of the resources she mentions I had actually read years ago and that quiet tucked away remembering cam back to light in a new way.  Reading as I did a chapter at a time as to not rush through, but take it all in, most of my reading came during my quiet time.  One such morning my girl shuffled in barely awake and crawled in bed next to me.  She peaked at the cover through one eye. "Hmmmm" she said.  "I may need to read that one mom".  I am grateful for the chance to share my faith, share my struggles and share amazing resources with my children.  This book is surely one of them.  Pat gives genuine, heartfelt and more importantly, biblical advice on our personalities, temperaments and how to use them all to be the girls He created us to be.  Thankful.

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