Sunday, February 15, 2015

Romancing Your Better Half - A Book Review

*Romancing Your Better Half
.....I wondered if it was such a good idea, yet I believe that we have to seek to learn all we can, even before some dreams make it to our reality.  I loved being married.  I'm wired for it.  But so much got in the way.  And we lost what was most important.  Our desire for God to be first above all else.  And we paid a heavy price.  And after many months...years...of walking this road towards love and forgiveness and healing, something in my heart tugged when I was offered the chance to review this book.  The advice is practical and quite honestly, a refresher of things I have learned along the way of relationships and marriage.  But how quickly we forget sometimes, no?  How often do we need practical, simple, biblical reminders of what a treasure our spouse is?  For me, I think I need it quite often.  I'm human and I have plenty of faults and selfishness rears its ugly head way more than I want to acknowledge. How better to serve our partners (or future partners for us currently single girls), ourselves and mostly God, than to seek always to remember what His goodness and faithfulness is.  Rick Johnson's book reminds us that whether you have been together 6 months or 40's a love affair.  One that God needs to be the center of. Seeking the goodness of those we are entrusted with above all else. Thankful.

*I was graciously provided a copy of this book for review

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