Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Minute Friday - Write

Joining Lisa Jo and the girls today...5 minutes, no edits and no those that came before.


I strain, I stress, I worry...what if the words don't come.  Yet they do.  They press in and ask to be put down.  They come in a flood and seem to overwhelm.  They come in good days and bad days.  They come to comfort and correct.  They come to instruct and to witness.  But I am just amazed still, that they come at all.  Why this?  Why these?  To comfort those as I have comforted you. And so I wait.  WAIT.  For the words I long to hear, for the words I long to know, for the words I long for others to know.  To share the good and the bad.  To love and to be loved.  To do the thing that I know He created me to do.  To do the thing that I never seem to doubt.  I write.  Thankful.



  1. I love how you described the process of writing. I think it's universal — we all wait and wonder if the words will come. And He is faithful to provide when the time is right.

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

  2. You hit the nail on the head, to comfort those as I have comforted you. YES! Keep writing, keep comforting.

  3. You write to encourage. You write because your heart overflows and your tongue is the pen of a ready writer!
