Thursday, February 27, 2014


Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. (Philippians 4:6 AMP)

Today I want french fries, a frosty and a one way ticket on a completely different train.....sigh.....two of the three are an option. And that they are speaks volumes to my heart. 
Big bold prayers...her words challenged......
I wished I could unread it, but I can't. And now, NOW He quietly sits and says.....YOUR turn baby girl. 
No way, noooooo thank You very much!!!! I'm done remember? I said so!! He smiles. I hear it. Cause let's be honest. I don't get to run this show. 

What I am allowed to do is pray big bold prayers. Prayers that state my request...with thanksgiving, not reasons why it's fine if He doesn't feel like it. I have to humble myself, let go of my will and lay my heart on the line along with my requests......then trust. Let it drop. No ifs or buts. Big bold prayer, thank You Jesus, Amen. So. Be. It. And He will answer, because I'm His kid. So are you. And He knows what we want, what we need. Maybe He just wants to hear it. I know my kids need dinner. I know. But I ask them....what would you like? Because I want them to have good things. Things they desire. Sometimes I just want to hear it from them. Their hearts (or tummies) desire. And most often they get the very thing they are after and it's always something that will benefit them. Even if its a little broccoli with that side of pizza. Thankful. 

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