Tuesday, February 11, 2014

He Speaks

I have questioned things all along this way. But probably most prominent as of late is why has this road been so very long. It seems that either You are content to leave me in this state or perhaps You have forgotten. And I know neither are true. And I know that I can't deny all that He has done in and around me. And so He whispers to me when I will listen. He tells me what his stubborn daughter knows. I need to be able to grasp the weight of His words, that perhaps only time and experience would allow me to do it, time and experience has also given weight to my own words. My story.  If I said to you trust, it is because my own ability to do so has been stretched far beyond comprehension. If I say to you wait it's because I know the struggle that can bare down on you while in that space. I have learned to measure the weight of my words. Through trial and error and experience. If you have no experience in something, then how can your words hold any influence? And so sometimes the price of our testimony is heavy. But the weight of the blessing I believe will match that of what He asks us to carry. Thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your struggle, Girl Made Lovely By Sorrow. God brings beauty out of ashes. I love how you word this - "Just a girl on an amazing journey running after God's own heart..." I'll run with you :)
