Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We Made It...Day 23

I didn't manage Christmas cards this year. Not surprising. Three years ago was the last time. And I can't quite get over how beautiful and amazing and perfect they were...how perfect my life looked in black and white with a splash of color in between the tri-folded structure. A perfect picture of the perfect family. Because everyone said so. Because the card said so. And a month later it would all be gone. I have photos and memories of beautiful moments from the past 357 days and I can't quite manage to put them together, slap a stamp on it and say Merry Christmas. Not this year. Not just yet. Writing is hard fought lately. Words are not my friend at times and it's just a battle. The card that seems to fit our lives this year would say Bless, we made it, praise Jesus and we need a nap.... But I'm feeling like somehow this is the end of the tunnel, that light is shining brighter and the morning is coming to replace the mourning. My desire feels more like a Happy New Year card... Let's do this! It's gonna be amazing. Because the bottom line is it IS amazing....that I'm here three years later. That we are all here. And we were not destroyed. A little bruised and beaten but not really worse for the wear. No, better for it. Better because of it. Beautifully imperfect people who have an amazing God. He can do anything you know....Thankful. 

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