Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Am I There Yet?

Advent. Day two. But technically day three....yeah. I'm new at this. And how ridiculous does that sound. But I'm digging this year, into what is more than presents and trying to pretend that it isn't December again and thinking that somehow perfect has illuded me once more. It hasn't. This is where I'm supposed to be as frustrating as that is to type. Active waiting, her words said. Yes. I'm reminded of 17 years ago. I was actively waiting then too. For a little boy to join our family. I would keep on waiting a bit longer. Longer than expected. Yet he did eventually arrive. Yes he did. I see that very same boy growing in his faith. Momma prayers heard. That makes my heart overflow. I'm thankful for a church that has held me through three long years of this journey. Who has been there in my questioning and wandering and seeking. That makes me feel settled in my own skin. No pretending. Just me. Whoever this is He is making me to be. They are my people. Thankful. 

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