Monday, April 8, 2013


The question was asked of me recently, what does mend mean? And these are the things I came up with.  Mend..... to heal, to fix something that has been broken, to bind up, to sew together something that has been seperated. 

While mending means a recovery of something that was torn apart or broken, restoration means revival, renewal...restablishment.  Something made completely new, not just healed or put back together.  It's all together new.  Joel 2:25.

These two beautiful words mean everything to me.  He comes to give life, to heal the sick and mend the brokenhearted, to set captives free, to give eternal life.  Mending, renewing.... hearts that are sick, souls that are lost, prodigals that need to find their way home. 

I have also come to the realization in the last few days that in order for something to even need to be mended in the first place, it must be broken.  Sometimes we need to be broken so God can mend our hearts, our hurts, our pasts, our regrets....and make us stronger in those places than we once were and maybe even stronger than we would have been without them.

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