Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent Day 1 - Expectations

I wasn't sure how, what....or if I would even be writing today.  The winds of change are blowing deep into this girls soul and He has taught me in be still on the inside.  As I was reading today, the definition of advent struck me.....the arrival of a notable person, thing or event....expectation....To expect something means you are waiting for something.  For me, it is in this season I do find myself waiting with great expectation.  This chasm of time, from events that rocked me to the core until now, they have been full of expectancy.

This year, this season, has brought about new in the old.  This year of hard has also been a year of healing. This time that followed such destruction, replaced with memories of old laced with traditions of new. Today I have been quiet from the inside out. And today my verse was so very clear:

Psalm 130:5 (AMP)
5 I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I hope.

In the waiting, the expectation, He has changed me.  In hoping, in trusting His Word, my soul has found peace.  I realized this, as I opened drawers filled with treasures hidden from sight for two years because of grief and pain, there is purpose.  And in that purpose something greater than I ever expected is unfolding.  As I laid place mats of red, revived dishes with happy snowmen, folded napkins of green and red penguins and santas all smiling back at me, the truth of what this season is has blossomed in my heart.  They waited, we wait, expectantly.....for a Savior.  In the still of the night, in the days that don't make sense, in the pain, in the hard times, in the good memories, in the sunny days and in the days that feel as if they might never end, we wait.  Because of a Promise that was born to redeem us, a Promise that gave all for expectation...of being together always with the children He so dearly loved.  Thankful.

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