Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 20 - Do It Anyway

The last few years made me unafraid of hard work. I learned a few things about myself. I learned how to not quit when things get difficult. I learned how to take no for an answer without it crushing me. I learned perseverance. I learned that doing the thing you don't necessarily want to is usually the thing that will get you exactly what you desire. Two a days are not my favorite. But taking advantage of my newly given lunch hour is an opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone and get back to where I want to be. And so I do. And as much as I wanted to not make the effort yesterday I did. And I'm glad. I'm never sorry. No real point to all this really than that I'm glad He taught me how to do what's best instead of what's convenient. To step out and be uncomfortable. To risk failure. To try. You never know what might come of it. Thankful. 

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