Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Perfect 10 - Number 5

Number 5 we all should strive to honor father and mother,
This Commandment...this has been a challenge for me.  It's a Commandment.  It's obviously important....so what do you do when you find yourself looking at your own situation and thinking how do I do this Lord?...

This has been on my mind so much lately.  It's a situation I face in my own life.  How do you honor your parents when their own life and choices somehow make it impossible?  In the past year and a half God set me on a path to restoration with one of my parents.  Our road has been rocky due to poor choices, hurt, bitterness and not properly dealing with the past.  There came a time when I just cried out...God WHAT is it You want??  I can't do this, I can't get through, it is making me loose all peace and all joy....

For my own circumstance, I needed some closure, I needed to say some things on my heart, make amends the best I could and realize, I can't make someone else's choices for them.  God call us all to something.  It is devastating to see a life that just absolutely gives up all hope, refuses any help and says no to the ones who love them, God included.  I have realized in this instance, honoring, for my own life, comes in the form of prayer, of speaking life about them and into them.  Sometimes being with them or involved in the day to day is a toxic thing.  And although He may call one to help in the physical, perhaps the calling for another may only be in the spiritual.  To love from afar.  Not every reconciliation ends up all neat and tidy with a bow on top.  Some are born from the ground up, soaked in tears and bruised from the struggle..but God is faithful and in all things, He works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Thankful.

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