Friday, October 4, 2013

31 Days of Encouragement - Praise

Do you ever wonder why?  Why do I have to go through this....why did I make that choice......why didn't I make that choice.....why did I act so ugly.....why did they do that.....why?  Seems as though many times we want God to give us these answers and most of the time, for me, He just wants me to praise.  It took a long time for my heart to come to the place of active praise in the midst of a storm.  I'm battling that today, something so very small, but it feels so big.  Because it is challenging the beliefs I have within my self about my self worth, my value.  And through this, He wants me to praise.  As He breaks down these walls that hold me bound to things that truly don't matter and won't even be issue a month from now.  He wants look at what He sees, what truly defines us.  And most often that comes from the hard days, the hard times, the not so great feelings, the doubts that creep in.....praise Him today beautiful girl....whatever you are facing, whatever trial feels like it will swallow you whole.  It won't.  Praise lets our soul do what it was made for.  To connect with the One who knows us best and Who will quiet our restless hearts until the answer comes in due time.  Thankful.

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