Sunday, October 6, 2013

31 Days of Encouragement - Sunday Scripture

It has been a week.  October rushed in and oh my.....things got shaken up in my little world.  But here I am. What do you do when you are forced to face things, to look at things for what they are and make choices? What do you do when all that you think and a lot of what made you feel secure gets stripped away? I heard that a lot this what are you going to do?.....

I learned that I can praise Him in the tough times even still.  That yes, I do trust Him even when everything just looks like it's going down faster than me on a mud hill (that's fast, I tried it this past May :) I found there is a strength in me that I truly have never known and I know where it came from.  That He has made me well able to withstand all that comes my way.  And He has done the same for you.  Run to Him sweet girl, not away from.  You can have a melt down, break down, shut down, sit down, fall down....just make sure it's all while running straight into His arms.  He's there.  We don't have to know the answers or heck, even the questions. He already knows.  All we need to do is say even here, even now, even in fear, even through doubt, even through pain, even through this aching hurt that will.not.go.away....yet I WILL praise You.

When I rolled over this morning after tossing and turning and battling even in my dreams, I looked at my verse was Him waiting for me.  Just to whisper the reminder He has given me so many times. Cause just when you think you aren't gonna make it...He picks you up and carries you.  Thankful.

Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 GNT)

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