Monday, October 21, 2013

31 Days of Encouragement - Trust

So Monday morning has found me again.  Looking at the week ahead makes me a little antsy.  All the things that need to be done, starting me in the face.  And so I wonder how.....because most days I feel like I'm in over my head.  And let's be honest....I am.  So I can worry about the how's and when's and why's or I can simply put my trust in Him.  I'm not talking Pollyanna Head In the Clouds....We all face things we just don't understand and things come at us that are more than we can shoulder.  But worrying about these things when we are a child of God is just a waste of time.  Instead of worry today, just talk to Him.  Express your concerns.  Then trust.  That He sees you, that He will answer you, that He cares, that He isn't indifferent or oblivious to what you are facing.  It all must pass through His hands.  Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with ALL our heart"....and my favorite translation of this verse states "don't rely on what you THINK you know"...cause my goodness, how I think I have it all figured out so often.  "In all your ways acknowledge Him" in everything you do, do it for Him and His glory.  If you can't, well then, stop.  Kinda simple, really hard to do, I know. "And He WILL make straight your paths."  Period.  He will.  Submit it to Him, don't rely on yourself and what is running through that brain of yours, acknowledge Him, and He will get you to where you need to be.  In His time :) Thankful.

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